Monday, September 30, 2019

Credible Nutrition Information Essay

It is four in the afternoon and your feeling that daily slow down after a long day. Some people turn to a chocolate bar, cup of coffee, healthy fruit but many are turning to Red Bull for the boost of energy. However, children these days are exposed to more advertisement each day, which as a result has them also drinking Red Bull. Little do they know that they could very well be harming themselves with every gulp. This paper will provide information on sources that have seen these problems and are now trying desperately to education the public Part A I personally would use Google to find background information on the topic. If I could not do so and I had no idea where to do, I would use an encyclopaedia to search related topics on my own without uses them as sources (i.e. Wikipedia). Furthermore, once I have established the direction in which I desire to go about writing the assignment, I would then look for credited or relevant websites, keeping in mind quality over quantity. The three websites I have chosen for this assignment are the following: 1) This is a very useful websites when you need medical information on health concerns, injuries, diet and much more. The link with regards to this assignment is below: 2) This is practically MSN and the Australian Media. I found this article with information provided by the Australian Drug Foundation’s Drug Info Clearinghouse who is sponsored by the Australian Drug Foundation. Furthermore providing a very interesting news report. The link with regards to this assignment is below: 3) This 2010 Pulitzer Prize winning news paper station has reported direct information regarding this assignment. The link with regards to this assignment is below: 4) What better source to use then the information provided by the company itself. Through I could not find any direct information on the actual effects of red bull on children, I did however find out the major ingredient which is a great starting point to relate back to. The link with regards to this assignment is below: Part B In order to know if my information is accurate, I would check the sources that I am using. For my sources for example: 1) WebMD is a â€Å"content staff blends award-winning expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation to bring you the best health information possible.† Furthermore all articles and information is reviewed by an independent medical review board. Additionally I feel that do to the natural and background of this type of website, biasness would not be present. Doctors and medically people alike are all about the health and wellbeing of society and would not give the public false information unless the side effects of the product were not evident to themselves at that time. 2) and Australian Drug Foundation are both extremely creditable entities. With MSN and the Australian media being extremely creditable as they provide a country with up to date information, on the country itself, the world, health and sports. Whereas the Australian Drug Foundation who is sponsored by the Australian Government would not provide inaccurate information that could affect the public and in this example someone across the world. Furthermore I do feel that the media could and have influenced our population on other topics, but when it comes to health but I feel they are right on this their report in this case. 3) The Seattle Times, a 2010 Pulitzer Prize Award winning for achievements in newspaper journalism, literature and musical composition in America. Thus demonstrating their reputation for correct literature. Furthermore I choice this topic because it was directly related to my topic. Furthermore with the prestige’s award of the Pulitzer Prize winner for being a top journalism and literature newspaper, I feel that with that reputation you would not print information that is false and easily discredited. Thus demonstrating how they would not be bias over this article. 4) is the website of the company Redbull who makes the energy drinks that are directly related to my topic. Additionally, do to Government laws and regulations they are required to provide accurate information on their products and also to provide nutritional ingredients and information panels which include calories etc. However I do believe that Redbull would in fact be bias towards their product. If Redbull was to leave all their dirty laundry out in the open over their product they would not have any business. This is why I could not find any information with regards to children drinking Redbull on their websites. They must be aware of some health implications and chooses not to display this on their advertising website. Part C In order to determine if the person providing the information is a credible source of nutritional information I would have to take into consideration what exactly they are writing. With regards to my paper, i believe I have extremely creditable material through the source I am receiving it. On the other hand, I do not necessarily have extremely creditable individuals in the medical field with regards to medical studies besides doing the same research as myself excluding WebMD as this websites as it is run by a board of doctors. Additionally, I would love to personally sit down and interview RedBull as I do not believe in their product and upon exploring the negative health implications I feel that they should not be able to market their product towards children as it is unsafe. As for my other 3 sources, I CREDIBLE NUTRITION INFORMATION: INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT would love to sit down and throw ideas off of everyone as to other ways we could inform the public. I would love to know of any personal projects that they are also conducting or involved with. After reviewing my information, I conduct that Red Bull is not acceptable for children, and to be honest, I don’t even know if Red Bull should be consumed period. With many much more healthier alternatives such as fruit, dark chocolate and protein shakes, society should impose a proper diet and they will not feel the effects of an afternoon snag in their energy levels. Reference List NineMSN Tuesday, (August 3rd, 2010). Energy drinks: are they safe?. Retrieved from Nautural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version 2009. Caffeine. Retrieved from Howard Cohen (April 2, 2008). Kids+ energy drinks= dangerous mix. Retrieved from Red Bull. Red Bull Energy Drink. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family Factors That Influence Students’ Behavior in School

The traditional family structure has changed over the years because of divorce, single parent homes, two-career families and financial hardship. In an unstable environment, a child may act out causing disruptive behavior in school. School personnel deal with each student on an individual basis to figure out what factors are influencing their disruptive behavior. It is worthy to note, family factors attribute to a broad spectrum of negative student behavior in school. Sponsored Link Free online learning Inspiring new ways to teach your students STEMFamily DynamicsThe first teacher in every child's life is his parent. Studies indicate that parental expectations towards education is evident in a child's behavior. This is true no matter the type of family dynamics. Children with parents who nurture learning in a positive encouraging way have a better chance of succeeding in school. Too much encouragement or a parent with a negative, non-caring attitude towards learning may lead to an und ue pressure on the child causing anxiety, stress, underachievement and rebellion. Divorce It is not uncommon for children in a divorce situation to have behavioral issues in school.Divorce causes distress within a child. Their mind wanders and worries about the divorce situation. Guilt, feelings of loss, dislike of a parent or parents within the divorce situation may cause a child's mind to wander during school hours. Possible behavioral issues include aggression, loss of friends, isolation, intolerance for authority, and lack of tenacity to complete assignments. Financial Hardship The socio-economic status of a family plays a role in a student's behavior. There are numerous educational advantages for children from well-to-do families, even though they may have behavioral issues in school.It is, however, more likely that a child who lives in poverty or in the lower end of the middle-class will repeat a grade, be suspended or may be expelled or drop out from school. Violence and Abus e The National School Safety and Security Services states children who come from abusive homes harbor violent tendencies. Violence or mental abuse between parents or between parent to child manifests within a child to create a fearful environment. The child learns that violence or mental abuse is the answer to numerous situations, and may cause aggressive, disruptive and violent actions within the school system.Children exposed to sexual abuse and those that have been sexually abused may resort to sexual acts at an early age or they may attempt to force sexual acts on others. How Can Behavior Affect Academics for Students? Academic achievement isn't always an absolute measure of a student's intelligence. Instead, a variety of factors, such as teacher involvement, parental investment, school quality and student motivation, can affect academic life. Student behavior also plays a major role in academic achievement. A student's behavior can affect her ability to learn as well as other s tudents' learning environment.Sponsored Link Free online learning Inspiring new ways to teach your studentsDisruptive BehaviorStudents who behave disruptively by bullying other students, talking during lectures or by requiring the teacher to interrupt lessons to discipline them can have a negative effect on an entire classroom. A 2010 study published in â€Å"American Economic Journal: Applied Economics† found that disruptive students can lower the test scores and academic achievement of an entire classroom.Teachers who have disruptive students in their classroom may have to spend additional time on behavioral management, reducing the time the teachers spend teaching. Impulse Control Neurologists Sam Wang and Sandra Aamodt argue in their book â€Å"Welcome to Your Child's Brain† that impulse control is one of the most significant factors predicting academic success. Students with poor impulse control have more difficulty motivating themselves to study, do homework and listen in class. This can decrease their ability to excel academically, even when they perform well on IQ and achievement tests.Wang and Aamodt emphasize that rule-setting and teaching frustration tolerance play critical roles in helping children develop impulse control. Student Motivation Even the best teachers can't force a student to learn if the student is completely unmotivated. Student motivation can determine whether a student studies or does her homework, whether she seeks additional help when she needs it and how carefully she listens in class. A 2006 paper published in â€Å"Annual Review of Psychology† emphasized the role that student motivation plays in learning and found that unmotivated students tend to perform more poorly.The textbook â€Å"Child Psychology† cites research from developmental psychologist Albert Banudra indicating that children who are internally motivated are more likely to excel than children who require external motivation in the form of punishments and rewards. Mental Health Disorders Learning disorders and mental health problems such as attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, autism and oppositional defiant disorder can dramatically affect student behavior. Students with oppositional defiant disorder, for example, struggle to accept authority and may frequently defy teachers and parents, according to â€Å"Child Psychology.†Students who need mental health interventions, occupational therapy or psychoactive drugs may behave poorly in class even when teachers have excellent classroom control. This can affect these students' ability to learn, and students with some disorders may be unable to achieve good grades in typical classrooms. Things That Affect Children's Behavior Many aspects of a child's life affect his behavior. Home and school experiences play a critical role — they shape the way a child develops socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually as well as how he learns to cope in diffic ult circumstances.Within these two environments, sleep, diet, peers and parent discipline each affect behavior. Sponsored Link Natural ADD/ADHD Relief Relieve ADD/ADHD Symptoms Fast with Safe & Homeopathic Synaptol ®. synaptol-for-adhd. hellolife. net Sleep According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is â€Å"the primary activity of the brain during early development. † According to an article at CNN. com, a study published in the journal â€Å"Pediatrics† shows that â€Å"sleepy school children make crabby classmates, while students who get plenty of sleep are better behaved.†The study was performed by Reut Gruber, director of the Attention Behavior and Sleep Lab at the Douglas Research Center in Quebec, Canada. For one week, half the children in a class went to bed earlier than the other half. They were healthy children with no prior sleep or behavioral issues. Teachers noticed significant differences in the children's behavior. Students who slept less were overtired, impulsive and irritable. They had much more difficulty handling their emotions. Children who got more sleep were more resilient and alert. Diet A child's diet can also influence his behavior.In 1970, Ben Feingold created a diet that eliminated artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives. It was intended as a treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Feingold suspected that such artificial ingredients led to hyperactivity in children. WebMD notes that â€Å"while most scientific studies have disproved Feingold's theory, some parents who have tried the elimination diet have reported an improvement in their child's behavior. † A new study performed in 2007 supported the theory. Claudia Wallis, in a â€Å"Time† article titled â€Å"Hyper Kids?Cut Out Preservatives,† discusses this study, which was published in the British medical journal â€Å"The Lancet. † The study found that common food dyes and the preservative sodium benzoate can cause children to become hyperactive and distracted. Peers Peers play a powerful role in how a child behaves. Young children learn a lot about behavior through observation and often copy each other. For instance, if a child cleans up his toys in a classroom and gets positive feedback from a teacher, another child might be encouraged to clean up her toys.If a  child throws food and other children laugh, another child might then want to throw food, too. Peer influence on adolescents might be even more powerful. A study performed by researchers at the University of Western Ontario and published in the July/August 2007 issue the â€Å"Child Development† journal showed that a teenager's desire to fit in and be part of a popular group played a role in his behavior. While being part of a group can lead to positive feelings and actions, being part of a deviant group can lead to riskier behaviors in adolescents.Parent Discipline AbilityPath. org describes the aff ect of consistent positive discipline on behavior in an article titled â€Å"Positive Discipline and Guidance for Children. † The goal of positive discipline is to guide your child to behave in socially acceptable ways. The article reviews several parent discipline styles. The authoritarian style emphasizes obedience and might include corporal punishment. This style of discipline can lead to insecure or aggressive behavior in children and an inability to make decisions, according to the site.The neglectful style, in which parents are minimally involved with their children, can cause low self-esteem, little trust in people and trouble learning new skills. The permissive style of discipline lacks structure. Permissive parents rarely enforce rules and tend to allow children to do whatever they please. Children parented in this way may have difficulty handling their emotions and may be less mature. Lastly, an authoritative-democratic –or positive — parenting style i nvolves teaching children to take responsibility for their actions. Appropriate expectations and consequences are made clear.Good behavior is encouraged, modeled and supported. This type of discipline promotes self-control and influences how a child makes decisions and interacts with the world around him. Behavior problems can affect a child's ability to learn and retain new information. Behavior problems at a young age can even predict future academic problems. Children who exhibit behavior problems at age 6 are more likely to struggle in math and reading at age 17, according to a study published in Pediatrics. Address behavior problems as early as possible to increase your child's chances of academic success. Sponsored Link ADD/ADHDNatural ReliefEnjoy Fast ADD/ADHD Symptom Relief with Safe & Homeopathic Synaptol ®. synaptol-for-adhd. hellolife. net Examples of Behavior Problems That Interfere With Learning Hyperactivity Hyperactive children have difficulty staying seated, which makes it difficult to complete school work. Hyperactive children also tend to be forgetful, according to the Johns Hopkins Medicine website. Children who forget things repeatedly struggle to memorize information, making learning very difficult. Hyperactive children may have difficulty participating in quiet activities, such as reading or writing, because they often talk incessantly.Hyperactivity causes children to shift their attention from one activity to another quickly, which poses challenges to a child trying to complete an assignment or task. Impulsivity Impulsive children may disrupt the entire classroom by blurting out answers without raising their hand. Children who answer homework and test questions by writing down the first answer that comes to mind, may score poorly on their assignments. Impulsive children struggle to think ahead, plan and problem-solve effectively, according to Michelle Anthony at Scholastic. com. These impulsive behaviors often interfere with learning a nd applying new concepts.Other impulsive behaviors, such as physical aggression or talking in class, may require disciplinary action that results in a child's removal from the classroom. Inattention Inattention deters a child from being able to focus on a single task. Instead of paying attention to the teacher, a child with attention problems may be watching other children, playing with things in his desk or just staring out the window. At home, children with attention problems may take a long time to complete their homework or they may not have enough mental energy to complete their assignments.Attention problems can also interfere with organization. An inattentive child may forget his homework or lose his assignments. Oppositional Behavior Children with oppositional behavior argue with adults and refuse to follow rules. Oppositional children also struggle to take responsibility for their mistakes, according to the John Hopkins Medicine website. An oppositional child may refuse to attempt any of his work. He may also refuse refuse to participate in certain activities, such as group projects.At home, oppositional children may argue with parents about homework and may refuse to put any effort into completing assignments. What Are the Factors That Affect Academic Achievement of Students? Factors that affect academic achievement include their level of intelligence. Social factors can greatly impact the academic achievements of children as well. Some social factors that should be monitored include aspiration levels, academic inclination, peer relations, social class, and home conditions. What are the factors that affect academic achievement of students?

Friday, September 27, 2019

LearningJournal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

LearningJournal - Essay Example And it is in this framework that I would like to begin the laying down and sharing of my learning journal. The first time I heard that we are going to do a learning journal, I am little bit apprehensive. And all of it is for the reason that doing a learning journal is something new. In my past experiences, normally what was done in class were discussions whether in class or as a group and what was expected was that everybody would bring their ideas, share it with class and more or less attained an interactive discussion. Therefore, when, we were told that we were to do a learning journal, it was something different for me. To document your thoughts, feelings, ideas, reflections, questions, uncertainties, doubts, dissents and agreements with the articles, the books that I have read and the discussions that I have the chance to be part of is for me taking learning one step higher. This I claim based on the supposition that in doing the learning journal, to go over my own thoughts, put it into a coherent structure and argue with the text, with myself and the entire process, in turn, constru ct and deconstruct my knowledge and understanding of things. Moreover, I have become conscious that every time I go over an article or a book, I am going to have a learning experience. This is a very significant transformation on my part. Since, through learning journal, learning has authentically become engaging, thus opening new challenges and venues with which lessons learned do not remain as lecture notes but as the foundation of other things to learn and guide in the understanding of experiences that are and may be encountered. Before joining the programme, I have not been in the academe for quite a time. Thus, I have some nervousness at the start of the programme. However, as the programme started, I have come to realise that I have acquired the maturity necessary in pursuing this

Environmental Sustainability in the EU my country is Portugal Essay

Environmental Sustainability in the EU my country is Portugal - Essay Example This concept works to promote developments by maintaining the equilibrium of economy. Environmental issues have become a major concern for all nations for they evidently formulate specific policies for ensuring ecological safety. At this juncture, the promotion of renewable energy sources requires higher significance. This paper in particular, will evaluate Portugal’s potential for using renewable energy sources. Non-renewable energy use The sustainability of an economy highly depends on the availability and consumption rate of its energy resources. The development of profitable energy resources has a direct impact on market expansion and the quality of public services. The market price of no-renewable energy includes cost of exploration, refining, pollution measures, distribution and transportation expenses, and taxes and other related fees (Conserve energy future). In addition to the market price, non-renewable energy also includes some other costs called externality costs t hat arise due to factors such as property damage, environmental damage, war, and health care. Hence, it is evident that energy prices and externality costs would influence the rate of energy consumption. Renewable energy sources Obviously solar energy is an eco-friendly renewable energy that is available at free cost.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Answer Questions Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Answer Questions Part 2 - Essay Example Each such attack, irrespective of the location from where it is initiated, would also have the server to server IP address access details and these should have been highlighted in the audit of log data.Morever the staring point of this investigation should have been the proof underlying the tip. Chat softwares normally keep record of the chat data and it is available time and date wise. Hacker chat site, where the alleged boasting was done by Jack Hasenpfeffer, should have been approached to obtain more substance to the claim of the theft of the marketing plan. This would have rightly set the investigation on the right course. As the investigations stand Trigraph side has proven that the recipient email address was that of Jack Hasenpfeffer; however until unless it is proven that the hack tool author was Jack Hasenpfeffer and that he alone had intruded the Trigraph systems using such a tool and that such a tool had sent the data file to Jack Hasenpfeffer; it cannot be concluded easil y that Jack Hasenpfeffer was responsible for the theft of the marketing plan. ... ack Hasenpfeffer's personal system; but the moot question here is if these addresses were the only ones available to Jack Hasenpfeffer and if there were no possibilities of using the hacking tool from any other address. In fact, Megagargantuan's investigations have left out the vital fact that they had examined all case of firewall intrusions in the under consideration time interval. However, one fact of Megagargantuan's investigation is a grave point that stands against their own case; they have conceded that a copy of the disputed information was found on Megagargantuan's servers. This still leaves us at the above conclusion that the marketing software was accessed and received at Megagargantuan's servers; however, the act cannot be readily attributed to Jack Hasenpfeffer. Question 2: (1/3 page answer) Assuming that both you and T. William Stoat testify in the trial of the case presented in Fact Set 1, is the expert testimony based on sufficient facts or data Is the testimony the product of reliable principles and methods Have the principles and methods been applied reliably to the facts of the case The testimony of both the experts cannot be considered to be based on reliable principles and methods. In fact in Trigraph investigations-which have given rise to testimony facts- it is already pointed out that they picked the thread from one step ahead of the step required to be taken up. They totally bypassed the collecting information and data on the chat room boasting by Jack Hasenpfeffer. This would have provided circumstantial evidence to Jack Hasenpfeffer's involvement even if the use of hacking tool could not be attributed to him. Moreover, the tools used to obtain system images are labeled as popular public software in Trigraph investigations.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Terry v. Ohio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Terry v. Ohio - Essay Example The purpose for the check is also a significant factor in distinguishing between a stop and an arrest. If the purpose of the check was to ensure the safety of oneself and others around due to suspicion of presence of a weapon, then the check is considered a stop. The check would be considered an arrest if main purpose was only to determine the presence of a weapon where there is no evidence of harm being caused. The manner also plays an important role. If the check is limited to a pat down of outer clothing wherein the intrusion is minimal, then it is treated as a stop. If the check is not just limited to a pat down and involves a full body search or similar wherein there is significant intrusion, then it would be considered an arrest (Worrall & Hemmens, 2005). If a person is investigates in a public place then it is more likely a frisk even though it is not limited to it and other factors need to be considered. If a person is taken to a private place away from the initial location, then it constitutes an

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

English Assignment - Essay Example Due to the dynamic nature of dancing, many dance films were created to show the complexities in the lives of dancers, as well as how their lives were shaped or changed through dancing, and a lot of which were appreciated by most movie-goers as shown by box office ratings and total worldwide grosses. In this paper, two movies about dancing are compared, Save the Last Dance (2001) and Black Swan (2001) which both show dancing as the driving force not just in the plot, but also in changing the lives of the characters portrayed. The dance films Save the Last Dance and Black Swan are high quality films that feature love of dance and how it is related to a person’s upbringing, social status, and character building. The two films are both considered to be high-quality films despite being labeled as independent films, or â€Å"indies† due to the high grosses during the release, the number of awards given to and nominated for, as well as the competence of the actors, the actress es, and the directors. In spite of having production budgets roughly around $10,000,000, both movies did very well in the box office and easily recovered the expenses incurred, with Save the Last Dance totaling a lifetime gross of $131, 706, 803 (Box Office Mojo – Save the Last Dance), and $329, 443, 368 for Black Swan (Box Office Mojo – Black Swan). ... It also won in the MTV Movie Awards in 2001 for Best Kiss (Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas) and Breakthrough Male Performance (Sean Patrick Thomas). Black Swan also received awards as well, not just from award-giving bodies in the United States, but also from around the world. Among these are: AFI Awards Movie of the Year (2011); Academy Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); Best Foreign Film in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Argentina; Excellence in Production Design Award from the Art Directors Guild; Blue Ribbon Award for Best Foreign Film; Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role (Natalie Portman); and the Venice Film Festival for Marcello Mastroianni Award (Mila Kunis) (Black Swan – Awards†). The number of awards received by the actors and actresses in the two movies attest to the excellent performance of the cast, and their skills in the portrayal of chara cters were able to carry the films through despite the considerably low budget for both films. Also, the actors and actresses were able to show their versatile acting skills that strongly convinced viewers of the emotions that were felt by the characters that they portray. Their skills were recognized not just by the award-giving bodies, but also the audiences that watched them, since it is a common fact that most films that were able to show true emotions win awards as well as the admiration of the audiences. Aside from the movies having good credentials, both for the directors as well as the actors that played in it, the plots were also convincing enough that many people can

Monday, September 23, 2019

8,9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

8,9 - Essay Example Fundamentally, client satisfaction depends on feeling about a particular customer service extended to them by the businesses. Therefore, businesses have an obligation to add value by providing excellent customer service. In essence, it is significant to practice friendliness, courtesy, attentiveness, care, and responsiveness when dealing with clients even in situations where their requests seem unfavorable. The aforementioned factors are critical to the success of the business enterprise. My experience with a shipping company was embarrassing. I had waited for my products to be delivered in time, but the company did not explain to me comprehensively about the delay. The company sent an email to me in a language that appeared impolite. It was a total disregard and disrespect to me. Instead of communicating effectively the expected date of delivering my product, the company never presented any clear information to when I should receive my product. The company strategy of giving incomplete information was disrespect to me as a loyal customer. It would have been appropriate for the company to plan the message well, and present information that contains the reason for the delay of my product. In addition, the message ought to reflect a language that underpins hope, positivity, and credibility as the company seeks to maintain me as their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay Example for Free

Objectivist Epistemology and Ayn Rand Essay The starting point of Objectivist Epistemology is the principle, presented by Rand as a direct consequence of the metaphysical axiom that Existence is Identity, that Knowledge is Identification. Objectivist epistemology[9] studies how one can translate perception, i. e. , awareness acquired through the senses, into valid concepts that actually identify the facts of reality. Objectivism states that by the method of reason man can gain knowledge (identification of the facts of reality) and rejects philosophical skepticism. Objectivism also rejects faith and feeling as means of attaining knowledge. Although Rand acknowledged the importance of emotion in humans, she maintained that the existence of emotion was part of our reality, not a separate means of achieving awareness of reality. Rand was neither a classical empiricist (like Hume or the logical positivists) nor a classical rationalist (like Plato, Descartes, or Frege). She disagreed with the empiricists mainly in that she considered perception to be simply sensation extended over time, limiting the scope of perception to automatic, pre-cognitive awareness. Thus, she categorized so-called perceptual illusions as errors in cognitive interpretation due to complexity of perceptual data. She held that objective identification of the values of attributes of existents is obtained by measurement, broadly defined as procedures whose perceptual component, the comparison of the attributes value to a standard, is so simple that an error in the resulting identification is not possible given a focused mind. Therefore, according to Rand, knowledge obtained by measurement (the fact that an entity has the measured attribute, and the value of this attribute relative to the standard) is contextually certain. Ayn Rands most distinctive contribution in epistemology is her theory that concepts are properly formed by measurement omission. Objectivism distinguishes valid concepts from poorly formed concepts, which Rand calls anti-concepts. While we can know that something exists by perception, we can only identify what exists by measurement and logic, which are necessary to turn percepts into valid concepts. Procedural logic (defined by Rand as the art of non-contradictory identification) specifies that a valid concept is formed by omitting the variable measurements of the values of corresponding attributes of a set of instances or units, but keeping the list of shared attributes a template with measurements omitted as the criterion of membership in the conceptual class. When the fact that a unit has all the attributes on this list has been verified by measurement, then that unit is known with contextual certainty to be a unit of the given concept. [9] Because a concept is only known to be valid within the range of the measurements by which it was validated, it is an error to assume that a concept is valid outside this range, which is its (contextual) scope. It is also an error to assume that a proposition is known to be valid outside the scope of its concepts, or that the conclusion of a syllogism is known to be valid outside the scope of its premises. Rand ascribed scope violation errors in logic to epistemological intrinsicism. [9][4] Rand did not consider the analytic-synthetic distinction, including the view that there are truths in virtue of meaning, or that necessary truths and mathematical truths are best understood as truths in virtue of meaning, to have merit. She similarly denied the existence of a priori knowledge. Rand also considered her ideas distinct from foundationalism, naive realism about perception like Aristotle, or representationalism (i. e. , an indirect realist who believes in a veil of ideas) like Descartes or Locke. Objectivist epistemology, like most other philosophical branches of Objectivism, was first presented by Rand in Atlas Shrugged. [5] It is more fully developed in Rands 1967 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. [9] Rand considered her epistemology and its basis in reason so central to her philosophy that she remarked, I am not primarily an advocate of capitalism, but of egoism; and I am not primarily an advocate of egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Challenges in the Business Environment Essay Example for Free

Challenges in the Business Environment Essay There has been no change to Apple Code of Conduct policy since 2014 when Apple started taking previous audit scores into consideration and conduct detailed risk assessments with suppliers who had not been audited in the past before awarding the new business. In 2014, we reviewed 459 suppliers, and factored their responsibility performance into our decisions. This engagement has allowed Apple to address over 700 findings related to labor standards, worker safety, permits, environmental hazards, and chemical management before production began (Apple – 2014 Supplier Code of Conduct). Apple has made significant progress, gaps still exist, and there is more work to do. Apple knows that workers are counting on them and they will not stop until every person in their supply chain is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve (Apple Supplier Responsibility 2015 Progress Report). Apple believes that it is not enough to just set high standards they must work every day to make sure they’re upheld. Apple Supplier Code of Conduct is among the toughest in the industry. To track working conditions at suppliers’ facilities, we conduct regular, in-person audits deep into the supply chain. Audits remain essential to Apple work, but they’re only the beginning. Apple reports monthly on working hours for over one million workers with hopes that their openness will inspire other companies. But more important, Apple believe the feedback that transparency invites makes us even better (Apple Supplier Responsibility 2015 Progress Report). Apple’s suppliers are required to provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, act fairly and ethically, and use environmentally responsible practices wherever they make products or perform services for Apple. Apple requires its suppliers to operate in accordance with the principles in this Apple Supplier Code of  Conduct (â€Å"Code†) and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This Code goes beyond mere compliance with the law by drawing upon internationally recognized standards to advance social and environmental responsibility. This Code outlines Apple’s expectations for Supplier conduct regarding labor and human rights, health and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and management practices. Apple assesses its suppliers’ compliance with this Code, and any violations of this Code may jeopardize the supplier’s business relationship with Apple, up to and including termination. This Code applies to Apple suppliers and their subsidiaries, affiliates, and subcontractors (each a â€Å"Supplier†) providing goods or services to Apple, or for use in or with Apple products (Apple – 2014 Supplier Code of Conduct). To show that Apple believes that it is not enough to just set high standards and that they must work every day to make sure they’re upheld. In 2014, over 2.3 million workers were trained on Apple’s Co de and their rights. Apple invested millions of dollars to expand our Supplier Employee Education and Development (SEED) program since it began. SEED now totals 48 classrooms in 23 facilities equipped with iMac computers, iPad devices, education software, video conferencing systems, and more. To make sure the standards were upheld Apple performed 633 audits covering over 1.6 million workers in 2014. Apple also audited suppliers in 19 countries and calls were made to 30,000 workers to make sure their rights were being upheld (Apple – 2014 Supplier Code of Conduct). Apple Suppliers Understanding of Their Standards, Responsibilities, and Company Relationship Apple is proud of the strong relationships they have built with their suppliers, many of whom have been working with them for years. Apple periodically reviews their relationships and adds new suppliers as needed. Apple requires each of its suppliers to meet the highest standards for all goods and services. Our requirements include a commitment to rigorous quality assurance. In addition, suppliers must be committed, as we are, to ensuring the highest standards of soci al responsibility. The ideal suppliers are those who understand our culture and expectations. We value suppliers who take the time to learn about and understand our business and who look for ways to add value. These suppliers know the importance of making and meeting commitments and delivering the highest quality goods and services (Apple Apple and Procurement). Apple business environment is  competitive and fast-paced. Apple suppliers must understand this dynamic and be agile and flexible in responding to changing business conditions. All over the world, people are building Apple products and Apple has a responsibility to make sure that each person is treated with dignity and respect. It’s a massive challenge where Apple work is never done, but each year they implement meaningful, lasting changes across their supply chain. Because of this around the globe, Apple employees are united in bringing equality, human rights, and respect for the environment to the deepest layers of their supply chain. Apple goes deep into their supply chain to enforce their social and environmental standards by empowering workers through education, demanding that suppliers treat workers fairly and ethically at all times, having safe and healthy facilities, and hold their products and processes to the highest environmental standards (Apple Supplier Responsibility 2015 Progress Report). Apple believes that in order to make impactful changes across their supply chain, it’s important to understand firsthand what’s happening inside their suppliers’ facilities. That’s why they don’t simply employ and review audits from behind a desk in Cupertino. Instead, they directly gauge how their supplier facilities are doing by regularly visiting and partnering with their suppliers around the world, so when they discover a problem, they can work together to get it fixed (Apple – Accountability). To make sure the standards are understood and upheld Apple performed 633 audi ts covering over 1.6 million workers. Apple also audited suppliers in 19 countries and calls 30,000 workers to make sure their rights are being upheld. Every audit is led by an Apple auditor and supported by local third-party auditors. These third parties are experts in their fields and all have been trained to use our detailed auditing protocols. During each audit, Apple grade suppliers on more than 100 data points corresponding to each category of our Supplier Code of Conduct (Apple – Accountability). Apple auditors are highly skilled at identifying when suppliers are covering up information. Apple audits are proven to improve supplier compliance. Each year we review and raise our already strict requirements, and suppliers continue to meet our increasingly stringent standards. In 2014, facilities audited two times scored 25 percent higher than those facilities with first-time audits. Facilities audited three times or more scored 31 percent higher than facilities audited  for the first time (Apple – Accountability). In addition to these regular, prescheduled audits, Apple randomly select facilities to audit unannoun ced. These surprise audits help ensure that our suppliers continue to meet our standards at all times not just during scheduled visits. Apple conducted 40 surprise audits in 2014, where their team visited suppliers on the spot and inspected the facility within hours. After the audit Apple conducts physical inspections, reviews documents, and interviews workers in their native languages, without their managers present. Afterward, workers are given a phone number, so they have the opportunity to securely and confidentially provide additional feedback about a facility to our team, including anything they consider to be unethical behavior. Apple encourages workers to report any retaliation to us, and we follow up with all suppliers to address each reported issue (Apple – Accountability). Inclusion these audits, code of conduct, and standards give Apple suppliers the understanding of what it means to be part of the company. Reference Apple Accountability. (2015, January 1). Retrieved March 7, 2015, from Apple Apple and Procurement. (2015, January 1). Retrieved March 7, 2015, from Apple – 2014 Supplier Code of Conduct. (2014, January). Retrieved March 3, 2015 from Apple Supplier Responsibility Progress Report. (2015, January). Retrieved March 3, 2015 from